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Regenerated Sabal Palms

For Sabal Palms, we recommend trees with fully regenerated root balls. This makes for a healthier tree, and a full head to make the tree look great even when it is still acclimating.
Pindo Palms

The Pindo Palm (Butia Capitata) is one of the most stunning palms that you can get. Its long fronds and thick trunk makes for a great tree to accent any area.
Windmill Palms

Windmill Palms are some of the most cold hardy palms available. These trees are fast growing, and typically do to require wrapping of any kind.
Hurricane Cut Sabal Palms

Hurricane Cut Sabal Palms are a much more affordable alternative to regenerated trees. These Palms come with the fronds clipped, and usually take a season for the root ball to regenerate, and to develop a crown.
Yucca Rostratas

The Yucca Rostrata is an extremely cold hardy desert plant. In addition to being cold tolerant, they are drought tolerant as well, and require very little maintenance aside from a yearly trimming!
Yucca Rostratas

The Yucca Faxionana is an extremely cold hardy desert plant. In addition to being cold tolerant, they are drought tolerant as well, and require very little maintenance! The leaves are very sharp, so they must be placed carefully, but they add a look that no other tropical plant can accomplish so elegantly.
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